How To Get Un-hooked From Porn

Trying to quit porn can be a real challenge. You have tried several times to kick the habit of cruising porn sites, and social media for sexy pictures. You  promised yourself to stay away, just to get frustrated over your repeated failure to do so.

It has effected your intimate relationship, your desire for relational sex. Your significant other is complaining about lack of sex in the relationship. You yourself have noticed you are avoiding being intimate with your partner. You might even started to  suffer from ED(Erectile dysfunction)

You are baffled why you cannot stay away from porn. Well let me explain, Prolonged or intense exposure to pornography causes the brain to be hijacked by  sexual explicit material. Instead of connecting with a person, your brain ends up “bonding” to a pornographic image connecting the sexual high to porn rather than a real person. In addition, pornography gives the brain an unnatural high. In a recent TEDx talk, physiology teacher Gary Wilson explained that when a person looks at porn, they experience ongoing surges of dopamine in the brain. The brain eventually fatigues, stopping the production of dopamine, leaving you chasing the same high. As a result, everyday pleasures stop causing excitement and you seek out more intense , more novel porn to get the same high as before.

What you need is abstaining from pornography and chronic masturbation long enough to detox and give your brain , body and psyche time to rewire itself and recuperate so you can rediscover healthy sexuality and relational sex.

The commitment  to facing  the hook that porn has on you, comes when you are sick and tired of the cycle of broken promises to yourself or your significant other.

Taking charge of your recovery:

  • Set the intention and then follow up with a commitment otherwise you will never get anywhere.
  • Make a list of your excuses, secrets and lies,
  • take an honest look at consequences of your excessive porn use
  • pay attention so you learn to identify your emotional or circumstantial triggers.
  • Watch out for are the negative thoughts and feelings that creep in and often trigger urges to use porn, ultimately leading to relapse. 
  • Structure your life to avoid too much idle time ,
  • Build good habits now,  
  • Rediscover hobbies or take up a hobby you always wanted to do but never found the time to.
  • Consider putting a filter on your devices 
  • Get an accountability partner if possible
  • Put your computer, or tablet in a ‘public area’ in your house so everybody can see it

Over time as you build up some ‘clean time’ you will start seeing the ‘porn fog’ lift and you recognize yourself again with a desire and preference for  sexual interactions with people rather than your computer screen

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